NDIS Support Services
Give the power of choice and control to people with disabilities
What is the NDIS?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the National Government way of providing support for Australians with a disability, including their families and carers. The NDIS has been designed to allow participants to have greater choice and control over the support that they receive and the services that suit them best.
The NDIS provides eligible participants with an individualised plan and funding for the supports that are necessary and reasonable for them to achieve their goals. Participants with an NDIS plan can control what support they receive and who provides this support to allow them the flexibility to live how they choose. When navigating the NDIS, Daboer Care can support you as much or as little as you need. We have answered some of your questions you might have about the NDIS below.
Specialised Support Coordination
Daboer Care Support Coordination service assists participants to implement their NDIS plans. Daboer Care works with each participant individually to creatively and resourcefully utilise their support budgets to achieve their goals. Daboer Care will assist by:
- Helping to negotiate services including development of service agreements
- Assist participants and families to understand their budget for each support item
- Assist with changes or end of service agreements
- Resolve and support with any problems or issues that arise
- Help you prepare for your next plan review meeting
In-home Support
In-home support is designed to assist participants to live as independently as possible and to provide support to help you stay in your own home. Support is aimed at ensuring participants have choice and control over the services they receive. In-Home Support services are designed to assist people with day-to-day tasks, to develop or maintain skills and to achieve their goals.
Participants may live with family, alone, in their own home, in private accommodation, community housing or in disability specialist accommodation. Daboer Care can support you with:
- Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transition and Supports
- Assistance with Daily Life Tasks in a Group or Shared Living Arrangement (SIL)
- Assistance with Daily Personal Activities
- Development of Daily Living and Life Skills
- Household Tasks
- High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
Social, Recreational and Community Participation (SRCP)
We offer a range of programs that give people with disability the opportunity to be involved in their community and enjoy a range of meaningful, social, recreational and leisure activities. The services and programs focus on:
- Innovative community participation
- Participation in community, social and civic activities
- Assistance with travel and transport arrangements
- Taking part in the community
- Building friendships and networks with others
- Assistance with achieving your goals and aspirations

Group and Centre-Based Activities
Daboer Care has a range of activities and programs aimed to assist our customers to lead a full and happy life. Social inclusion and interaction programs are specially designed to meet an individual’s need and to assist them in finding their “special place” in life, where they feel valued and comfortable within their surroundings. Some activities includes the following:
- Essential Shopping
- Gym (Healthy Lifestyles)
- School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES)
- Photography & Fitness (Community)
- Library/Reading/Writing
- Swimming
- Movie of choice
- Recognising, Progression, Accessing local services + Goal setting & action
- Bush or Choice of Walk and many more based on the individual’s needs, choice and control
Specialised Supported Employment
Are you a school leaver or young person with a disability needing assistance to prepare for working life? As a registered provider for delivering School Leaver Employment Supports, Daboer Care can help you transition from school to employment. SLES can help you prepare for, look for and gain meaningful employment.
We focus on personal development, enhancing independence and success in the workplace. Supports are structured individually to ensure each participant’s needs are recognised and to help each participant reach their employment goals. We provide and facilitate pre-employment skills in the following areas:
- Computer and Communication skills
- Job search activities
- Work experience and Job Site training
- Resume writing and Interview skills
- Budgeting and money handling skills
- Travel skills including help to obtain a learner driving license
Community Nursing Care
Community Nursing Care is provided to participants who have complex individual support needs that are best met by someone who has medical training and experience, to meet the participant’s complex health needs. This service is considered when specific individual support needs includes;
- Very limited communication;
- Behaviour support needs; and/or
- Medical needs/procedures such as ventilation or home enteral nutrition.
- Complex Bowel Care
- Enteral (Naso-Gastric Tube – Jejunum or Duodenum) Feeding and Management
- Tracheostomy Management
- Urinary Catheter Management (In-dwelling Urinary Catheter, In-out Catheter, Suprapubic Catheter)
- Subcutaneous Injections
- Complex Wound Management
- Day-to-day management of medications
Specialised Positive Behaviour Supports
Daboer Care understands that sometimes participants are communicating through their behaviour and with the support of professional staff, families, carers and advocates, Daboer Care is able to develop strategies that better support each participant individually. This can include developing Positive Behaviour Support Plans (PBSP) designed to provide positive and meaningful experiences.
Management of Funding for Supports in Participant’s Plan (Plan Management)
Plan Management is one of the options for managing your NDIS funds. Plan Managers claim directly from the budgets in your plan to pay your providers on your behalf.
As your plan manager we will:
- pay your providers for the supports you purchase
- help you keep track of your funds
- take care of financial reporting for you
Need a Personalized Solution?
By providing essential community support services, we’re helping to create more connected and caring communities for everyone.

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